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Vitiligo Treatment- Available Treatments for White Patches on Skin

Vitiligo Treatments

 Vitiligo  is a relatively common skin condition characterized by white patches resulting from the loss of pigment. People with vitiligo develop depigmentation of skin patches of irregular shapes and sizes. There are several effective treatments for vitiligo white patches on skin.

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Available Treatments for Vitiligo White Patches on Skin

There are several options for the treatment of vitiligo without treating the underlying causes. Some of the available vitiligo treatments include: 

1. Tropical Corticosteroid Therapy: Tropical Corticosteroid is often used as a therapy for autoimmune disease like vitiligo. Topical Corticosteroid cream can be applied as an effective treatment for white spots. The cream helps to get rid of these spots and return normal color back to the affected area.

2. Mini Grafting: Mini grafting is a useful treatment for white spots on skin. In Mini grafting treatment, the patient's normal skin is transplanted to the affected patches. This type of skin grafting is sometimes used for patients with small white patches.

3. Micro Pigmentation (Tattooing): A special surgical instrument is used to implant pigment (iron oxide is the most frequently used dye) into the skin--in this case, the white patches. This vitiligo treatment is best for the lip area, particularly in people with dark skin.

4. Laser Therapy for Vitiligo: Vitiligo laser treatment therapy is one of the newest treatments, in which ultra violet rays are used in order to stimulate melanocytes cells. Combination of laser therapy and a skin ointment, called tacrolimus, may be effective to bring the repigmentation on the area affected by white spots.

5. PUVA Therapy: The most effective treatment for vitiligo is the PUVA therapy. PUVA is a psoralen + UVA treatment for skin disorders. PUVA therapy effectively repigments the white patches.

6. Concealing Cosmetics: Persons with vitiligo patches often uses makeup to cover up the spots. Now there are all kinds of cover up makeup for vitiligo, which are especially manufactured to conceal white spots and white patches on skin. Hiding the blemishes with make up as foundation and concealers are a temporary solution to lessen the appearance of white skin spots and patches.